Beasiswa Orange Tulip untuk Mahasiswa Indonesia yang Berprestasi ke Belanda

Orange Tulip Scholarship adalah program beasiswa bagi mahasiswa Indonesia berprestasi. Institusi pendidikan tinggi Belanda bekerja sama dengan organisasi/perusahaan mendukung mahasiswa Indonesia yang berpotensi tinggi agar dapat melanjutkan studi di Belanda.

Beasiswa Orange Tulip Scholarship (OTS) pertama kali diluncurkan oleh Nuffic Neso Indonesia pada bulan Februari 2012 untuk beasiswa tahun akademis 2012/2013.

Beasiswa OTS disediakan oleh beberapa universitas di Belanda bekerja sama dengan organisasi atau perusahaan lainnya bagi mahasiswa Indonesia yang berprestasi, untuk mengikuti program-program studi tertentu.

Beasiswa OTS 2013 diberikan dalam bentuk potongan biaya kuliah bagi mereka yang lulus seleksi dan diterima sebagai mahasiswa untuk tahun akademis 2013/2014 untuk program studi yang dimaksud.
  1. Anda adalah Warga Negara Indonesia dan merupakan penduduk Indonesia.
  2. Anda memiliki ijazah terakhir dari institusi pendidikan non Belanda.
  3. Anda tidak sedang menempuh studi atau bekerja di Belanda.
  4. Anda tidak pernah menempuh studi atau bekerja di Belanda.
  5. Anda dapat berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan dengan fasih (skor TOEFL-iBT min. 80 atau IELTS min. 6.0). Mohon diperhatikan bahwa beberapa program studi yang ikut dalam Orange Tulip Scholarship mensyaratkan skor bahasa Inggris yang lebih tinggi.
  6. Anda saat ini sedang menjalani proses pendaftaran atau sudah diterima di salah satu universitas di Belanda.
  7. Anda memenuhi syarat-syarat khusus yang dibutuhkan oleh program-program studi yang ditawarkan di program Orange Tulip Scholarship.
Anda harus melengkapi dokumen-dokumen di bawah ini untuk mendaftar Orange Tulip Scholarship. Dokumen tambahan mungkin diperlukan oleh universitas atas perusahaan sponsor tertentu.
  • Formulir pendaftaran Orange Tulip Scholarship yang sudah diisi lengkap
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Surat penerimaan dari universitas di Belanda (dapat menyusul)
  1. Silakan download formulir pendaftaran Orange Tulip Scholarship.
  2. Isi secara lengkap sesuai dengan instruksi. Jangan lupa menandatangani formulir pendaftaran tersebut.
  3. Kirimkan formulir yang telah diisi lengkap dan ditandatangani melalui email ke disertai dengan lampiran berupa CV (wajib) dan surat penerimaan dari universitas di Belanda (jika sudah ada).
  4. Semua dokumen ini dapat juga dikirimkan melalui pos atau diantar langsung ke kantor Neso Indonesia.
  • LLM Finance and Law – Duisenberg School of Finance
MBA / MSc Business Administration
  • MBA – Amsterdam Business School
  • MBA – Nyenrode Business Universiteit
  • MBA – TiasNimbas Business School
  • MScBA – TiasNimbas Business School
  • MScBA – General ManagementRotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM)
  • MScBA – Accounting & Control – Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM)
Master International Finance
  • MIF (Master International Finance) – Amsterdam Business School
  • MSc Accountancy and Control – University of Amsterdam (specialisation 1. Accountancy 2. Control)
  • MSc Business Economics – University of Amsterdam (specialisation 1. Finance 2. Organisation Economics 3. Real Estate Finance)
  • MSc Business Studies – University of Amsterdam
  • MSc Econometrics – University of Amsterdam
  • MSc Economics - University of Amsterdam
  • MSc Finance, Corporate Finance and Banking track – Duisenberg School of Finance
  • MSc Finance Risk Management track – Duisenberg School of Finance
  • MSc Finance, Financial Markets and Regulation track – Duisenberg School of Finance
  • MSc in Management – Nyenrode Business Universiteit
  • all international Master Programmes – Radboud University Nijmegen
  • MSc in Business Information Management – Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM)
  • MSc in Chinese Economy & Business – Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM)
  • MSc in Entrepreneurship & New Business Venturing – Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM)
  • MSc in Finance & Investments – Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM)
  • MSc in Global Business & Stakeholder Management – Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM)
  • MSc in Human Resource Management - Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM)
  • MSc in Management of Innovation – Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM)
  • MSc in Marketing Management – Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM)
  • MSc in Organisational Change & Consulting – Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM)
  • MSc in Strategic ManagementRotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM)
  • MSc in Supply Chain Management – Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM)
Batas waktu pendaftaran beasiswa OTS adalah 1 Mei 2013.
Harap diperhatikan bahwa batas waktu penerimaan pendaftaran di universitas Belanda umumnya lebih awal, sekitar bulan April.
Apabila Anda memiliki pertanyaan mengenai pendaftaran, harap terlebih dahulu membaca Frequently Asked Question. Jika masih ada pertanyaan yang belum terjawab, Anda dapat menghubungi Neso Indonesia melalui email ke:
For more information, please visit : official website

Beasiswa BII Maybank untuk Lulusan SMA ke Universitas di Indonesia, Malaysia & Singapura

Dilandasi komitmen untuk memberikan kesempatan pendidikan yang lebih baik kepada putera-puteri terbaik dari keluarga pra-sejahtera di 33 provinsi di tanah air, mulai 2012 setiap tahun PT Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk (BII) bersama dengan pemegang saham mayoritas, Malayan Banking Bhd (Maybank) akan menyelenggarakan program beasiswa penuh (full scholarship) untuk melanjutkan pendidikan di perguruan tinggi terkemuka di Indonesia, Malaysia dan Singapura.

Seleksi Administrasi akan dilakukan mulai 7 November 2012–23 November 2012 untuk program beasiswa luar negeri dan 1 Februari 2013-10 Juli 2013 untuk program beasiswa dalam negeri.

Kriteria Kandidat
  1. Warga Negara Indonesia
  2. Duduk di kelas 3 SMA pada TA 2012/2013 atau lulusan TA sebelumnya
  3. Memiliki nilai minimum rata-rata 8
  4. Menunjukkan kapasitas kepemimpinan ditunjukkan sedikitnya melalui 2 (dua) kegiatan ekstra kurikuler
  5. Memiliki motivasi yang tinggi untuk maju dan aspirasi kuat untuk menghadapi tantangan dan memimpin di karir pilihannya maupun sosial setelah lulus
  6. Calon berasal dari keluarga pra-sejahtera
  7. Tidak menerima beasiswa yang sama dari organisasi lain
  8. Memiliki surat bukti penerimaan dari universitas pilihan yang direkomendasikan BII-Maybank
  9. Menunjukkan komitmen dan minat terhadap pengembangan masyarakat, sosial dan negara ditunjukkan dengan pengalaman/aktif dalam organisasi sosial dan kesiswaan
Universitas yang Direkomendasikan:
  • Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta
  • Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung
  • Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
  • Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya
  • Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
  • Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
  • Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
  • Nanyang Technological University, Singapura
  • National University of Singapore
Pilihan Bidang Studi:
  • Ekonomi, Bisnis, Manajemen, Keuangan, Pemasaran, Akunting, dan Perbankan
  • Administrasi
  • Hukum
  • Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi (IT)
  • Sosial, Politik dan Bahasa
  • Komunikasi
  • Psikologi
  • Matematika, Statistik, Aktuaria
  • Komputer
  • Teknik
Pembiayaan Program Beasiswa Penuh, meliputi:
  • Biaya pendaftaran kuliah dan Biaya Pendidikan (Tuition Fee)
  • Biaya hidup (akomodasi, makan/minum, dan transportasi)
  • Tunjangan buku dan internet
  • Asuransi kesehatan
Proses Seleksi
Tahap I: Administrasi
  1. Penerimaan Formulir Pendaftaran
  2. Esai
  3. Surat rekomendasi dari sekolah mengenai kualitas pribadi pelajar: keterangan kelakuan baik, prestasi dan status ekonomi siswa.
Tahap II: Administrasi
Verifikasi kelengkapan dan “kebenaran” isi formulir yang dikirimkan. Adapun dokumen yang harus dikirimkan adalah:
  • Akademik dan Ekstra Kurikuler
    1. Fotokopi identitas siswa pelamar (KTP dan Kartu Pelajar)
    2. Fotokopi rapor dari kelas 1 SMA (atau kelas 10) s.d. kelas 3 (atau kelas 12) semester 5
    3. Fotokopi sertifikat penghargaan akademik, organisasi kesiswaan di sekolah atau luar sekolah, kegiatan sosial lainnya, serta prestasi olahraga jika ada
    4. Surat penerimaan dari universitas atau bukti tertulis dari pengumuman di media massa atau website resmi SNMPTN (khusus pelamar BII-Maybank Dalam Negeri)
  • Keterangan Keluarga dan Kemampuan Ekonomi/ Keuangan
    1. Fotokopi identitas orang tua (KTP)
    2. Fotokopi kartu keluarga
    3. Fotokopi slip gaji orangtua atau dari Kepala Desa/Kelurahan/Kecamatan (jika orang tua adalah usaha sendiri/wirausaha, misalnya buruh, pedagang, petani)
    4. Fotokopi tagihan listrik rumah terakhir
    5. Fotokopi tagihan air (PDAM) terakhir (jika ada)
    6. Fotokopi tagihan telepon rumah terakhir (jika ada)
Tahap 3: Psikologi
Peserta yang lulus tes Administrasi Tahap 2 akan diikutsertakan untuk mengikuti tes Psikologi yang meliputi:
  1. Tes IQ (Intelectual Quality) untuk memprediksi kemampuan akademik siswa
  2. Tes Kepribadian untuk menilai kualitas kepribadian siswa yang meliputi kemampuan Emosional, Social, Moral, serta Kepemimpinan siswa
Tahap 4: Wawancara
Peserta yang lulus Tes Psikologi akan diikutsertakan pada Tes Wawancara. Tes Wawancara ini dilakukan oleh tim yang dipilih oleh Penyelenggara BII-Maybank Scholarship.
Tahap 5: Tes Masuk Universitas
  1. BII-Maybank Scholarship Luar Negeri:
    Peserta yang lulus tahap wawancara diwajibkan untuk mengikuti tes yang diadakan oleh universitas yang dipilih.
  2. BII-Maybank Scholarship Dalam Negeri:
    Sebelum calon penerima mengikuti Tes Psikologi dan Tes Wawancara harus mengirimkan surat penerimaan dari universitas atau bukti tertulis dari pengumuman di media massa atau website resmi SNMPTN
Jalur masuk universitas yang diterima:
  1. Jalur Undangan
  2. Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SNMPTN)
Cara Pendaftaran:
Unduh formulir pendaftaran BII MF Scholarship – Form 2012
Formulir dapat dikirimkan melalui pos ke:
Bagian CSR, Divisi Komunikasi Perusahaan
PT Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk (BII),
Sentral Senayan III, lantai 25,
Jl. Asia Afrika No. 8, Gelora Bung Karno, Senayan
Jakarta Pusat 10270
Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi:
Telephone : (+21) 2922 8888 ext 32503/ 32426/ 32461
Email :
For more information, please visit : official website

Beasiswa Unggulan Prestasi – Institut Pertanian Bogor

Beasiswa Unggulan Prestasi tahun akademik 2012/2013.

  1. Mengisi form pendaftaran Program Beasiswa Unggulan;
  2. Lulusan SMA/SMK/MA sederajat yang telah lulus ujian nasional dengan nilai rata-rata UN minimal 9.00 (minimal 8.00 bagi UN tertinggi );
  3. Diprioritaskan bagi peraih nilai UN tertinggi Nasional (dengan menunjukkan sertifikat penghargaan dari Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI );
  4. Melampirakan Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa saat mendaftar;
  5. Untuk seluruh bidang peminatan Program studi dan Jurusan (Kecuali program studi Kedokteran);
  6. Beasiswa untuk jangka waktu pendidikan maksimal selama 8 semester (48 bulan);
  7. Form pendaftaran (lengkap dengan foto) dilampiri fotokopi ijasah dan nilai UN.
Fasilitas Program Beasiswa Unggulan Prestasi 2012/2013
Beasiswa Biaya pendidikan penuh sampai lulus maksimal 4 tahun ( 8 semester ), termasuk biaya wisuda, biaya praktikum, dll.
Formulir bisa di download official website
Daftar Online di
Berkas paling lambat dikumpulkan tanggal 25 September 2012 di loket kemahasiswaaan ipb.

Program Beasiswa Unggulan – CIMB Niaga tahun akademik 2012/2013.

Program Beasiswa Unggulan – CIMB Niaga tahun akademik 2012/2013.

  1. Mengisi form pendaftaran Program Beasiswa Unggulan;
  2. Lulusan SMA/SMK/MA sederajat yang telah lulus ujian nasional dengan nilai rata-rata UN minimal 8.00 (minimal 8.00 bagi UN tertinggi );
  3. Melampirakan Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa saat mendaftar;
  4. Untuk seluruh bidang peminatan Program studi dan Jurusan (Kecuali program studi Kedokteran);
  5. Beasiswa untuk jangka waktu pendidikan maksimal selama 8 semester (48 bulan);
  6. Setelah lulus Program Beasiswa Unggulan – CIMB Niaga bersedia untuk bekerja / ditempatkan / dikontrak oleh PT. Bank CIMB Tbk selama 4 tahun;
  7. Form pendaftaran (lengkap dengan foto) dilampiri fotokopi ijasah dan nilai UN.
Fasilitas Program Beasiswa Unggulan CIMB Niaga 2012/2013
  1. Beasiswa Biaya Pendidikan penuh sampai lulus maksimal 4 tahun (8 semester), termasuk biaya wisuda, biaya praktikum, dl;
  2. Biaya hidup, biaya buku, biaya pengembangan diri;
  3. Annual gathering antar sesama penerima Beasiswa;
  4. Satu unit Laptop
  5. Mendapat prioritas untuk mengikut program pelatihan The Complete Banker (TCB) dari manajemen pusat PT. Bank CIMB Niaga.
Formulir bisa di download official website
Daftar Online di
Berkas paling lambat dikumpulkan tanggal 25 September 2012 di loket kemahasiswaaan ipb.

sumber :

Business School Postgraduate Scholarship in Bournemouth University, UK

This scholarship is awarded to students who have applied to study any course of MA / MSc in Business School beginning in September 2012 and January 2013.
All applicants are eligible for this scholarship application.
All full-time and part-time MA / MSc degrees offered by the Business School. This does not include LLM or MBA Bournemouth.
Value ditawakan scholarship is £ 2,000.
payment Scholarship: Scholarships are paid by a reduction in tuition fees.
How many scholarships are awarded each year?

UK / EU students - 15 scholarships
Overseas students - 45 scholarships

keteria scholarships:
Outstanding academic profile relevant your program (equivalent to 1st class UK honors degree) as assessed by NARIC
High level of English language proficiency (if English is not your first language)
An outstanding personal profile as evidenced in your personal statement.
Other information about this scholarship

Scholarship recipients can not be in receipt of any other BU scholarship
Financial need will not be considered.
How do I register?You can download the BU Scholarship Application Form here:

BU Scholarship Application Form (PDF - 123kb)
The deadline is May 31, 2012 for September 2012 entry and 1 November 2012 to January 2013 entry. You can apply at the same time or after you submit your application form course. The final application may be considered if there are funds remaining.
When will I hear if I have been successful?The successful applicants will be notified within four weeks of the decision made after the deadline.Completed registration form should be returned to:askBU Student ServicesBournemouth UniversityBasePoole HouseFern BarrowPooleBH12 5BBEnglish

Forms can also be scanned and emailed to:
For more information, please visit : official website

sumber :

IMD MBA Alumni Scholarships, Swiss

The five IMD MBA Alumni Scholarships are designed to encourage diversity in the class. This scholarship is given to countries: Asia, Africa / Middle East, Latin America, Eastern Europe and Western Europe / North America / Oceania.

Number of scholarships: Five (one from each area)
Amount: CHF 30,000

Geographic region
  • Africa / Middle East
  • Asia
  • Eastern Europe
  • Latin America
  • Western Europe / North America / Oceania
Who can qualify
Candidates who have already applied to the full-time IMD MBA program and who are citizens, but not necessarily current residents, of the above geographical areas

  1. 1) Acceptance into the IMD MBA Program
  2. 2) Submitting an essay on: “As a business leader, which issue would you set as your first priority to address in your region / country? Why would you choose this issue? How would you, personally, address it?” (maximum 1000 words)
Please draw on your own experiences in your answer, rather than on general, broad statements. The committee is looking for essays that are personal, visionary and demonstrate leadership, which include a clearly articulated description of how the solution could be implemented.
Jury: IMD MBA alumni loan committee
Deadline: September 30
Scholarship essays, or questions, should be sent to

IMD MBA scholarship conditions
Applicants must have been accepted into the IMD MBA program prior to their application.
Our scholarship applications are essay based, with winning essays typically including the following features:
  • Relevance to the essay title
  • Organization and structure
  • Fully developed arguments
  • Persuasiveness
  • Personal element and/or passion
IMD reserves the right not to award a scholarship if the criteria are not met to the satisfaction of the jury / sponsors.

For more information, please visit : official website

Merit Scholarships in School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, Robert Gordon University, UK

School of Pharmacy & Life Sciences offers a number of scholarships for the achievements of outstanding students who wish to study at the School from September 2012 and January 2013. Please read the information below, may help:

The awards available in academic year 2012/13:

  • MSc Overseas Pharmacists’ Assessment Programme (OSPAP) Merit Scholarships for courses commencing September 2012.
    Amount available: £1000 per award
  • MSc Instrumental Analytical Sciences Merit Scholarships for courses commencing September 2012.
    Amount available: £1000 per award
  • MSc Clinical Pharmacy Practice Merit Scholarships for courses commencing January 2013.
    Amount available: £500 per award
Who can apply: International and UK / EU students wishing to study on the full-cost courses listed above.
You need to complete an application form and return it to the School. Please see below for further details.
Eligible Courses for the Merit Scholarships
  • Overseas Pharmacists Assessment Programme (OSPAP) MSc
    scholarships available to international students from outside the UK/EU*
  • Instrumental Analytical Sciences DNA Analysis, Proteomics & Metabolomics MSc
    Instrumental Analytical Sciences Drug Analysis and Toxicology MSc
    Instrumental Analytical Sciences Environmental Analysis MSc
    scholarships available for home students on a full-cost course and international students
  • Clinical Pharmacy Practice MSc
    scholarships available for both home and international students
* As UK/EU students already pay a lower fee on these courses, there are no merit based scholarships for UK/EU students on these courses in 2012/13.
We must receive your completed application prior to the closing dates below.
  • MSc OSPAP: 16th September 2012
  • MSc Instrumental Analytical Sciences: September 2012
  • MSc Clinical Pharmacy Practice: 28th February 2013
Please note that in order to be considered for a particular scholarship, you must already hold an offer of a place to study the appropriate eligible course at the School. You must therefore ensure that your application for a place is submitted well in advance.
Please download the Scholarship application form below. You should return it to us by e-mail.
As part of the application process you are required to write a short statement in support of your application, which should address the following points:
  • Why you are applying for the scholarship,
  • How you will benefit from the opportunities that being given the award will provide, and
  • How you would contribute to the University community during your studies here.
You may refer to activities, achievements and personal qualities which are particularly relevant to your application.
You should also include:
  • A scanned transcript of your highest academic qualification,
  • Evidence of English language competence e.g. a scanned copy of your IELTS certificate (where appropriate), and
  • A scanned copy of your University offer letter (or email if you have not received your letter).
Applications must be complete. Applications which are incomplete, missing required data or are illegible will be considered invalid. You may only apply for an award once. Multiple applications will not be considered.
The School’s award panel will meet to consider eligible scholarship applications received by the respective due dates.
The School will assess all applications against the following criteria:
  • Previous academic record and your suitability for postgraduate study in the School, i.e.
    • Class of degree / CGPA / final score of first degree or previous masters-level study,
    • Relevance of your first degree to the course you are applying for,
    • Any prizes or awards given to you in your first degree.
  • Relevant industrial or professional experience,
  • Evidence of workplace experience that is relevant to the course you are applying for, and
  • Personal achievements which indicate your ability and commitment to: complete the intended course; contribute to the course, school and wider university community during your studies and the professional community when you complete the course.
In the event that two applications are scored identically and only one award is available, the panel will award the scholarship to the first application received, using the date of receipt in the University as the relevant date.
Please note: All scholarship applicant should intend to complete to MSc stage. Any successful scholarship applicant that chooses to exit their course early will be expected to reimburse all or part of their award at the discretion of the School.
Notification and acceptance
  • Successful applicants will be informed in the first instance by email
  • Applicants will be required to respond by email to accept the offer. A formal scholarship offer letter will then be issued and dispatched by email. Failure to accept the offer will lead to the scholarship offer being withdrawn and offered to an alternative applicant.
Terms and conditions
  • All scholarships are awarded in the form of a discount on fees paid.
  • A scholarship will be withdrawn if:
    • You fail to accept the offer within the time permitted.
    • Your scholarship or University application is found to contain incomplete or inaccurate information.
    • You are found to have committed academic misconduct once enrolled at the University
    • You are found to have committed non-academic misconduct once enrolled at the University
    • You fail to pass module assignments or end of module exams at the first attempt once enrolled on your course
    • You defer or suspend your studies, withdraw from the University or are suspended or withdrawn from the University
    • You fail to make payment for fees due to the University within 23 days of the due date
    • In the event that a scholarship is withdrawn, you will need to pay the full fees due for your course
Appeals Process
All decisions on scholarship applications will be made by the School’s Scholarship Panel. All decisions are final and we cannot enter into correspondence with unsuccessful applicants. There are no grounds for appeal against an unsuccessful application with the following exception:
  • Where there is evidence of alleged improper conduct or irregular procedure during the scholarship awards process.
If you wish to appeal on the above ground, you should write in the first instance to the Head of School, outlining your evidence of alleged improper conduct or irregular procedure during the awards process. The Head of School will respond to you within 20 working days.
For more information, please visit : official website

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